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||co||kolik real||kolik fake|| ||edit zdrojaku kvuli warningum:||4||?|| ||refactoring db||1.75||?|| ||refactoring kodu + implementace statu||4.75||?|| ||pridani vyrobcu||1||?|| ||pridani servisu||1||?|| ||agregrace||1.25||?|| ||dalsi tweaky||1||?|| ||mysql escape||1||?|| ||time u upkeep||0.5||?|| ||time u counters a tweaky||2||?|| ||styly, tweaky||0.5||?|| ||celkem||18.75||?|| For the implementation in VHDL and the subsequent synthesis, we have used the Xilinx ISE 12.3 which comes with integrated ISim VHDL simulator. The use of simulator speeds up the development but at the expense of creating testbenches which can easily become non-trivial. The designed circuit structure is of single-clock synchronous type which is suitable for implementation in VHDL using many parallel processes all driven by common clock edge of same polarity. Some of the processes also contain asynchronous reset which is needed for the initialization and re-initialization and is synthesizable. Generics are used wherever possible to make individual parts re-usable. Unfortunately, VHDL does not allow unconstrained aggregates in record type so some of the bus widths have to be hard-coded. We have at least used constant types in such cases. = UART and Memory Controller The important part of the entire system is the implementaion of UART along with a memory controller. All the memories have to instantiated at the top level so the controller is able to communicate with them. This unfortunately leads to enormous number of signals which are needed for the interconnection. For simplification, a set of multiplexers and demultiplexers have been implemented. This does not lower the number of signals (in fact, it adds some) but greatly simplifies the structure of the memory controller itself. A great simplification would be achieved by usage of record type but since VHDL does not allow unconstrained types in records, we are prevented from doing this. We are still looking for a way to solve this. Let me just stress this does not change the structure itself, we're only talking about the simplicity of expression in VHDL. = Memories Memory entities are the core of all our table-based computational cores. It's a single-clock synchronous circuit with the ability to pump and dump data by "out-of-band" channel. This is very important since it would be non-trivial to initialize memory contents. = Simulation As for the simulation, the testpench consists of instantiation of all circuit parts and their interconnection using appropriate signals. A set of functions is used to read and write the input and output to a text file, respectively. We have used the library for this data-to-text interface. When the simulation is run, a reset is performed for a fixed amount of time. Then, the input is fed into the circuit and the output is being recorded to be later compared to the results of Matlab simulations. The clock is being generated since the beginning of the simulation and keeps running until the very end to accurately simulated the real-world conditions of the circuit. = Synthesis The final design has been synthesized for the Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA and downloaded to the device itself. An important part of the synthesis process is mapping the actual hardware ports to input and output signals. This turned out to be quite tricky as the official documentation describes the pin layout only partially. We had to resolve to trial-and-error method to get the pin layout (especially for the wide buses) right. mbaaaaak 37792717 m1m1 R791WRX9RBKH7FKK 38500601 musi mit pripravu na dalsi laborku kazdy prevodnik bude realizovan jinym typem log.obvodu, v ramci jedne realizace je nesmi michat (treba NAND a NOR dohromady proste ne) todo amerika: esta! napsat shay napsat kate lucka plavky s sebou: plastenka destnik hajzlpapir slun. bryle sluchatka (mini) mp3 nejakou plastenku na boty? nejakou plastenku na bagl? adapter jinej phone? netbook? * * * * * * * * * * * Doktorand se v současnosti zabývá problematikou návrhu optimální procesorové architektury pro jednodimenzionální iterativní detekci, konkrétně detekci Turbokóku. Dále pak návrhem architektury pro iterativní sdruženou synchronizaci a detekci. V minulosti se zabýval problematikou vlivu přenosu signálu na subjektivní a objektivní kvalitu videa. Doktorand má splněnou obhajobu odborné studie i státní doktorskou zkoušku. V současné době zpracovává svou disertační práci s názvem "Návrh a optimalizace procesorové architektury pro pokročilé kódování přenosu". {{{ nalepka na kitu: S/N 0950-500 na ISE cdcku: xilinx internal serial p/n 1050498-02 }}} {{{ ******************************************************** ******************************************************** ** ML605 - FLASH Test ** ******************************************************** ******************************************************** -- Initialized the Flash library successfully -- -- Unlocked all the blocks successfully -- -- Erased the Flash memory contents at offset 0x1FE0000 successfully -- -- Writing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rite operation at offset 0x1FE0000 completed successfully -- -- Read operation completed successfully -- Flash test failed (1) }}} {{{ ******************************************************** ******************************************************** ** ML605 - FLASH Test ** ******************************************************** ******************************************************** -- Fail at Initialize -- Flash test failed (1) }}} == hgkjgjkgasdfasdfkjgj == v patek mam nocni, so ne volno...v po dlouhou, utery kratka, patek kratka a so, ne makam dlouhe :-( janca hospa: 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31 {{}} {{}} GE 152841060 / 0600 PHOTONICS PRAGUE 2008 - The 6th International Conference on Photonics, Devices and Systems - The Iterative Detection Network Suppression of Defocusing and Thermal Noise in Black and White Pictures Shot By a Camera with CCD/CMOS Sensor - Kekrt Daniel Ing. Klíma Miloš prof.Ing. CSc. Podgorný Radek Ing. H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10, Opticke komunikace 2007 Aspects of image quality enhancement in security technology Klíma Miloš prof.Ing. CSc. Kekrt Daniel Ing. Podgorný Radek Ing. 42nd Annual 2008 IEEE International Conference on Security Technology Odolnost kodeků MPEG-2 a H.264 proti chybám při přenosu Access server R.Podgorný, M.Klíma 2007 Bit Error Resilience of MPEG-2 and H.264 Video Compression Codecs, 19th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2009, R.Podgorný, M.Klíma Text Readability and Object Identifiability Thresholds in H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard Radek Podgorný, Miloš Klíma RTT 2008 ANALÝZA VYBRANÝCH KODEKŮ Z HLEDISKA POUŽITELNOSTI PRO ÚČELY BEZPEČNOSTI A DOHLEDU Radek Podgorný, Miloš Klíma IEEE Workshop Zvule 2007 Image Quality and QoE in Multimedia Systems Miloš KLÍMA 1 , Karel FLIEGEL 1 , Daniel KEKRT 1 , Petr DOSTÁL 1 , Radek PODGORNY 2 19th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2009 192292756 / 0600 917377 ciman8 {{{ DISPALARM:OBJECT=LNLCKOUT,ALSTAT=NP,ALPRIO=CRITICAL,RSUINF=YES; }}} == nosice kol == * * * * adsfasdf asdfasdf adfasdfaf '''adfasd'''sdfasdfadfadf df adf adf as'''adf sd fsdf adf adf adsf''adf sd df''''' == GABneeee HEY aaa == ||<tablewidth="200px"> || || || || || || || || 2x {{{ subject: zakazka prosil bych nasvitit 1x pozitiv sito 1x negativ sito z prilozeneho fajlu }}} ATmega8 1x SOKL 28 1x R 68 2x R 1.5k 1x R 10k 1x D BZX83V003.3 2x (Zener diode 3.3V) X 16Mhz 1x C 27pF 2x C 4.7uF/10V 1x C 100nF 1x Trimer 10k 1x USB1X90B PCB 1x S2G20 1x (staci 2x5 toto je 2x10 to ale neva) Způsob úhrady: bankovní převod Částka: 474,00 czk Platbu proveďte na účet 34175028 / 2400. SWIFT kód (pro mezinárodní platby) EBNKCZPP. IBAN CZ5824000000000034175028. Při úhradě uveďte Váš variabilní symbol: 5550035255. Variabilní symbol slouží jako identifikace Vaší objednávky. 17.4.1967 - 68703 30.04.2007 - 7000 31.05.2007 - 6000 02.07.2007 - 6000 31.07.2007 - 10000 01.10.2007 - 6000 02.11.2007 - 3000 05.12.2007 - 3000 11.12.2007 - 1785 31.12.2007 - 8000 31.01.2008 - 3000 03.03.2008 - 3000 = Fakt to funguje?????? = * . bbbbb aaaaaaaa * * * C82GA-C28UA-GEQ2A-3Q6WI-SEGY0 [[|]] {{}} {{attachment:kun.gif}} {{}},M1 {{}} {{}} {{{ [03:17:00 PM] Tomas Forche: az budes v praci pak prosim precti na fixusoj /mnt/mapy/readme.txt, udelej review a pripadne podle toho uprav mapupdate skript, konfiguraci mapengine a kdo vi ceho co zere data map + pak prejmenuj adresar /data na /barrels. Zbytek si udelam sam. :-) [03:50:00 PM] Tomas Forche: jo a uz je vyresen problem s nabihanim mapserveru... on rekurzivne proleza adresare, takze mit updates s mraky dlazdic v adresari data nebylo stastne reseni :-))) }}} {{attachment:linux-detergent.jpg}} Gianna Nannini - Meravigliosa creatura {{}} prdel2 :) :( =Jasir= [[|]] <<MonthCalendar>> {{}} {{}} . Super vec :) = Baba Haba = = k,nj = musim si to taky zkusit :) = Mrcarlik = === ''tak do toho'' === ''solidni'' '''''solidni''''' 123 no pozrime sa na to ?i to v?bec funguje ??? asi to fakt funguje :-))) == JaR?K == Par?da!!! {{}} == d:) == |
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= Demonstrace funkčnosti = No vypadá to zajímavě ... Opravdu? nj ahojky skouška textu xxx |
= Demonstrace funk?nosti = No vypad? to zaj?mav? (hodn?) ... Opravdu? nj ahojky skou?ka textu xxx |
Line 14: | Line 421: |
'''Tak schválně!''' | '''Tak schv?ln?!''' |
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||||||||'''Zahlavi tabulky'''|| ||fce1||f2||f3||f4||f55|| ||g1||g2||g3||g4|| |
||||||||<style="text-align: center;">'''Zahlavi tabulky''' || ||fce1 ||f2 ||f3 ||f4 ||f55 || ||g1 ||g2 ||g3 ||g4 || |
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Odkaz na Google: Odkaz na [ Google] |
. Odkaz na Google: Odkaz na [[|Google]] |
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{{}} |
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** vnorena 1.2 | * * vnorena 1.2 |
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asdfjklů tralala, ja si tu napisu intelygentniii hlasku |
asdfjkl? tralala, ja si tu napisu inteligentniii hlasku |
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[] | |
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Není to špatný nápad. Vladimír ---------------------------------------- |
aaaa Nen? to ?patn? n?pad. Vladim?r ---------- |
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XXXXXXXXXXX :-) ---------------------------------------- |
XXXXXXXXXXX :) ---------- |
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sqele :-) Zaujímavé, žeby som u nás ľudí prinútil robiť na webe? Aspoň nebudú mať výhovorku že som im to tam nedal... ddddddddddddddddfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff |
. sqele :) Zauj?mav?, ?eby som u n?s ?ud? prin?til robi? na webe? Aspo? nebud? ma? v?hovorku ?e som im to tam nedal... ddddddddddddddddfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff |
Line 85: | Line 483: |
******** Hmm goood idea... Schvalne co to provede ;-) to fakt nejny hlóópy |
* ******* Hmm goood idea... Schvalne co to provede ;-) to fakt nejny hl??py |
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123 skuska mikrofonu --- |
123 skuska mikrofonu --- |
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hmmm tak tenhle smajlik asi nefuni ... kazdopadne je to sqela vec! okamzite to zavedu v praxi! MOC DIKY ZA NAPAD! Hustě. --- |
hmmm tak tenhle smajlik asi nefuni ... kazdopadne je to sqela vec! okamzite to zavedu v praxi! MOC DIKY ZA NAPAD! Hust?. --- **************** celkom pekne, zacnem uvazovat na co by som to nasadil vo firme :) |
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celkom pekne, zacnem uvazovat na co by som to nasadil vo firme :-) **************** Dik, pouzivame [ twiki] v praci jako intranet. Jindra at |
Dik, pouzivame [[|twiki]] v praci jako intranet. Jindra at |
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''kurziva'' '''tucne''' '''''tucna kurziva''''' ||tabulka|| ||1||||2||||3|| ||a||||b||||c|| |
''kurziva'' '''tucne''' '''''tucna kurziva''''' ||tabulka || ||1 ||||<style="text-align: center;">2 ||||<style="text-align: center;">3 || ||a ||||<style="text-align: center;">b ||||<style="text-align: center;">c || {{}} |
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Text text - You poor boy. "I dont like you!" [ preview] |
Text text - You poor boy. "I dont like you!" [[|preview]] |
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Tvoji krev my nezrad?me, lenin ten?s bude v?st, jeho odlaz nikdy nezrad?me ..... ||nova tabulka || ||1 ||a ||2 ||b ||3 || ||a ||a ||b ||b ||c || ---------- . =PSY2= free running: 2047.997kHz 2048.018 - pred update 2048.017 - po update - TRIB_1 - Timing state=normal odpojeno - 2047.995 - LINE_1 zruseno LINE_1 - 2048.018 -> TRIB_1 - normal odpojeno 2048.019 - TRIB_1 - holdover B-) rozpad synchronizace -> LSS -> ALL1 ---------- . clc;clear;close all; fd=1000; fm=8000; Wn=fd/(fm/2); N=20; WIN_ha=hamming(N+1); B_ha=fir1(N,Wn); WIN_b=bartlett(N+1); B_b=fir1(N,Wn,WIN_b); WIN_bl=blackman(N+1); B_bl=fir1(N,Wn,WIN_bl); WIN_h=hann(N+1); B_h=fir1(N,Wn,WIN_h); figure(1) Ng=1024; [H_ha W_ha]=freqz(B_ha,1,Ng); subplot(2,2,1); f_ha=W_ha*fm/2/pi; plot(f_ha,20*log10(abs(H_ha))); title('hamming'); [H_b W_b]=freqz(B_b,1,Ng); subplot(2,2,2); f_b=W_ha*fm/2/pi; plot(f_b,20*log10(abs(H_b))); title('bartlett'); [H_bl W_bl]=freqz(B_bl,1,Ng); subplot(2,2,3); f_bl=W_ha*fm/2/pi; plot(f_bl,20*log10(abs(H_bl))); title('blackman'); [H_h W_h]=freqz(B_h,1,Ng); subplot(2,2,4); f_h=W_h*fm/2/pi; plot(f_h,20*log10(abs(H_h))); title('hann'); return; %uloha 2 figure(2) F=[0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1]; A=[1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0]; Bha=fir2(N,F,A,WIN_ha); Bh=fir2(N,F,A,WIN_h); [Hha Wha]=freqz(Bha,1,Ng); subplot(2,1,1); fha=Wha*fm/2/pi; plot(fha,20*log10(abs(Hha))); title('hamming'); [Hh Wh]=freqz(Bh,1,Ng); subplot(2,1,2); fh=Wh*fm/2/pi; plot(fh,20*log10(abs(Hh))); title('hann'); %uloha 3 impulsni odezva figure(3) impz(Bha,1); %uloha 3 f char figure(4) freqz(Bha,1,Ng,fm/2); %uloha 3 f char figure(5) zplane(Bha,1) ---------- . a) poplach v: RDI v MS, HP, LP protoze komunikace analyzator-AM1 byla jednosmerna SOH f6 f6 f6 28 28 28 01 aa aa 46*ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 68 93 93 00 ff ff 00 00 00 e3*08*41*00 ff ff 06 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 0b ff ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff LO-POH V5: 65* J2: 00 N2: 00 K4: 00 b) zadne alarmy c) pointer u tu-12 received se snizuje ptr au-4 = 0 0: 2e-4 1: 3e-4 5: 9e-4 10: 1.55e-3 20: 2.95e-3 50: 7.15e-3 100: 1.42e-2 200: 2.82e-2 pro taktovani z prijimaneho signalu = 0 d) count/secs HP REI: 9767/20 = 3.249e-6 LP REI: 1257/20 = 2.806e-5 SLIP: 20/20 = 1 ES: 0 SES: 0 US: 20 100% DM: 0 EFS: 0 BE: 0 AE: 0 Lucie Dvorakov- Veronika Klusov- Veronika Krskov- Alena Dvorakov- Marketa Vavrov-? Jana Pflegerov- Alena Bockschneiderov- Daniela Beckov- Zuz_x_ana Mi_x_sar_x_kov- Zdenka Kral_x_ikova Bara Musilov- Blanka Cizkov- Lucie Sim_x_unk_x_ova Li_x_buska Step_x_anko_x_va Eva Sa_x_sova? Dan_x_iela Cer_x_na Alej_x_andra Urdi_x_ain Pe_x_tra F_x_enclo_x_va ---------- . clear;clc; fv=8000 t=0:1/fv:0.6-1/fv; y1=0.4*sin(2*pi*300*t); y2=0.6*sin(2*pi*2500*t); y=y1+y2; n=2; fv1=n*fv xinterp=zeros(1,n*length(y)); xinterp(([1:length(y)]-1)*n+1)=y; figure(1); subplot(2,2,1); %title('Neinterpolovany') ffty1=abs(fft(y))/length(y); stem(0:fv/length(ffty1):fv-fv/length(ffty1),ffty1); subplot(2,2,2); %title('Interpolovany') ffty2=abs(fft(xinterp))/length(xinterp); stem(0:fv1/length(ffty2):fv1-fv1/length(ffty2),ffty2); N=60; B=fir1(N,fv/2/(fv1/2)); subplot(2,2,3); xinterp_filtered=filter(B,1,xinterp); ffty3=abs(fft(xinterp_filtered))/length(xinterp_filtered); stem(0:fv1/length(ffty3):fv1-fv1/length(ffty3),ffty3); fv2=fv/n B=fir1(N,fv2/2/(fv/2)); y=filter(B,1,y); subplot(2,2,4); indxs=1:n:length(y); y_decim=y(indxs); ffty4=abs(fft(y_decim))/length(y_decim); stem(0:fv2/length(ffty4):fv2-fv2/length(ffty4),ffty4); ---------- . brigde - 4ms 1 hop route - 4ms 1.2km GS DSP version :1 xDSL GS Version :R.1.5 xDSL side :COE. Startup Progress :(0x0)Startup not in progress. Operation state :Data. Operation rate :2320 Kbps Framer Sync. state :Framer in SYNC Last fail state :No failure. SNR margin value :3 DB. Loop attenuation :11 DB. Receice Gain :10 DB. Transmit Power :14 dBm. xDSL state :DSL_ACTIVE 2.4km GS DSP version :1 xDSL GS Version :R.1.5 xDSL side :COE. Startup Progress :(0x0)Startup not in progress. Operation state :Data. Operation rate : 656 Kbps Framer Sync. state :Framer in SYNC Last fail state :No failure. SNR margin value :1 DB. Loop attenuation :18 DB. Receice Gain :7 DB. Transmit Power :13 dBm. xDSL state :DSL_ACTIVE -77dBm/Hz {{attachment:kozy.jpg}} http// ------ . Bara, Ilona, Urna, Tomik, Vlasac, Svata snova přednášek Digitální sítě, předmět fakultní nabídky FEL, šk. r. 2006/07 Osnova přednášek 1. 05. 10. Druhy signálů. Digitalizace signálu. Základní pojmy. Fyzický a virtuální kanál 2. 12. 10. Multiplexní principy. Hierarchie PDH 3. 19. 10. Hierarchie SDH, její podstata, funkce a formáty 4. 26. 10. Referenční model OSI RM. Vrstvy, protokoly, formáty 5. 02. 11. Adresové multiplexy. Vývoj X 25, FR, IP, ATM, DQDB 6. 09. 11. Digitální přenosové trakty. Opakovače. Linkové kódy. Optické linkové trakty 7. 16. 11. Spojovací zařízení a jejich členění. Účastnické bloky. Rozhraní ústředny 8. 23. 11. Digitální síť integrovaných služeb (ISDN). Druhy spojení a služby ISDN 9. 30. 11. Širokopásmová síť integrovaných služeb (ATM). Referenční model. Třídy služeb 10. 07. 12. Principy a realizace spojovacích polí v úzkopásmových a v širokopásmových sítích 11. 14. 12. Síťové prvky. Parametry přenosu a spojení. Spojovací prvky 12. 21. 12. Signalizace - členění. Účastnická signalizace. Síťová signalizace 13. 04. 01. Státní regulace telekomunikací. Síťové plány 14. 11. 01. Mezinárodní standardy a doporučení ---------- . :8888 http tunnel na lokalni :22 (ssh) :10022 redirect na lokalni :22 (ssh) (Praha) http_proxy=http://proxy:3128 ./ xy 2212 1388 |
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kolik real |
kolik fake |
edit zdrojaku kvuli warningum: |
4 |
? |
refactoring db |
1.75 |
? |
refactoring kodu + implementace statu |
4.75 |
? |
pridani vyrobcu |
1 |
? |
pridani servisu |
1 |
? |
agregrace |
1.25 |
? |
dalsi tweaky |
1 |
? |
mysql escape |
1 |
? |
time u upkeep |
0.5 |
? |
time u counters a tweaky |
2 |
? |
styly, tweaky |
0.5 |
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celkem |
18.75 |
? |
For the implementation in VHDL and the subsequent synthesis, we have used the Xilinx ISE 12.3 which comes with integrated ISim VHDL simulator. The use of simulator speeds up the development but at the expense of creating testbenches which can easily become non-trivial.
The designed circuit structure is of single-clock synchronous type which is suitable for implementation in VHDL using many parallel processes all driven by common clock edge of same polarity. Some of the processes also contain asynchronous reset which is needed for the initialization and re-initialization and is synthesizable. Generics are used wherever possible to make individual parts re-usable. Unfortunately, VHDL does not allow unconstrained aggregates in record type so some of the bus widths have to be hard-coded. We have at least used constant types in such cases.
= UART and Memory Controller
The important part of the entire system is the implementaion of UART along with a memory controller. All the memories have to instantiated at the top level so the controller is able to communicate with them. This unfortunately leads to enormous number of signals which are needed for the interconnection. For simplification, a set of multiplexers and demultiplexers have been implemented. This does not lower the number of signals (in fact, it adds some) but greatly simplifies the structure of the memory controller itself. A great simplification would be achieved by usage of record type but since VHDL does not allow unconstrained types in records, we are prevented from doing this. We are still looking for a way to solve this. Let me just stress this does not change the structure itself, we're only talking about the simplicity of expression in VHDL.
= Memories
Memory entities are the core of all our table-based computational cores. It's a single-clock synchronous circuit with the ability to pump and dump data by "out-of-band" channel. This is very important since it would be non-trivial to initialize memory contents.
= Simulation
As for the simulation, the testpench consists of instantiation of all circuit parts and their interconnection using appropriate signals. A set of functions is used to read and write the input and output to a text file, respectively. We have used the library for this data-to-text interface.
When the simulation is run, a reset is performed for a fixed amount of time. Then, the input is fed into the circuit and the output is being recorded to be later compared to the results of Matlab simulations. The clock is being generated since the beginning of the simulation and keeps running until the very end to accurately simulated the real-world conditions of the circuit.
= Synthesis
The final design has been synthesized for the Xilinx Virtex 6 FPGA and downloaded to the device itself. An important part of the synthesis process is mapping the actual hardware ports to input and output signals. This turned out to be quite tricky as the official documentation describes the pin layout only partially. We had to resolve to trial-and-error method to get the pin layout (especially for the wide buses) right.
mbaaaaak 37792717 m1m1
R791WRX9RBKH7FKK 38500601
musi mit pripravu na dalsi laborku kazdy prevodnik bude realizovan jinym typem log.obvodu, v ramci jedne realizace je nesmi michat (treba NAND a NOR dohromady proste ne)
todo amerika: esta! napsat shay napsat kate lucka plavky
s sebou: plastenka destnik hajzlpapir slun. bryle sluchatka (mini) mp3 nejakou plastenku na boty? nejakou plastenku na bagl? adapter jinej phone? netbook?
- Doktorand se v současnosti zabývá problematikou návrhu optimální procesorové architektury pro jednodimenzionální iterativní detekci, konkrétně detekci Turbokóku. Dále pak návrhem architektury pro iterativní sdruženou synchronizaci a detekci. V minulosti se zabýval problematikou vlivu přenosu signálu na subjektivní a objektivní kvalitu videa. Doktorand má splněnou obhajobu odborné studie i státní doktorskou zkoušku. V současné době zpracovává svou disertační práci s názvem "Návrh a optimalizace procesorové architektury pro pokročilé kódování přenosu".
nalepka na kitu: S/N 0950-500 na ISE cdcku: xilinx internal serial p/n 1050498-02
******************************************************** ******************************************************** ** ML605 - FLASH Test ** ******************************************************** ******************************************************** -- Initialized the Flash library successfully -- -- Unlocked all the blocks successfully -- -- Erased the Flash memory contents at offset 0x1FE0000 successfully -- -- Writing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rite operation at offset 0x1FE0000 completed successfully -- -- Read operation completed successfully -- Flash test failed (1)
******************************************************** ******************************************************** ** ML605 - FLASH Test ** ******************************************************** ******************************************************** -- Fail at Initialize -- Flash test failed (1)
v patek mam nocni, so ne volno...v po dlouhou, utery kratka, patek kratka a so, ne makam dlouhe
janca hospa: 8, 9, 12, 13, 17, 20, 21, 24, 26, 29, 30, 31
GE 152841060 / 0600
PHOTONICS PRAGUE 2008 - The 6th International Conference on Photonics, Devices and Systems - The Iterative Detection Network Suppression of Defocusing and Thermal Noise in Black and White Pictures Shot By a Camera with CCD/CMOS Sensor - Kekrt Daniel Ing. Klíma Miloš prof.Ing. CSc. Podgorný Radek Ing.
- H.264/MPEG-4 Part 10, Opticke komunikace 2007 Aspects of image quality enhancement in security technology
Klíma Miloš prof.Ing. CSc. Kekrt Daniel Ing. Podgorný Radek Ing. 42nd Annual 2008 IEEE International Conference on Security Technology
Odolnost kodeků MPEG-2 a H.264 proti chybám při přenosu Access server R.Podgorný, M.Klíma 2007
Bit Error Resilience of MPEG-2 and H.264 Video Compression Codecs, 19th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2009, R.Podgorný, M.Klíma
Text Readability and Object Identifiability Thresholds
- in H.264/AVC Video Coding Standard
Radek Podgorný, Miloš Klíma RTT 2008
Radek Podgorný, Miloš Klíma IEEE Workshop Zvule 2007
Image Quality and QoE in Multimedia Systems Miloš KLÍMA 1 , Karel FLIEGEL 1 , Daniel KEKRT 1 , Petr DOSTÁL 1 , Radek PODGORNY 2 19th International Conference RADIOELEKTRONIKA 2009
192292756 / 0600
917377 ciman8
nosice kol
adsfasdf asdfasdf adfasdfaf adfasdsdfasdfadfadf df adf adf asadf sd fsdf adf adf adsfadf sd df
GABneeee HEY aaa
| 2x
subject: zakazka prosil bych nasvitit 1x pozitiv sito 1x negativ sito z prilozeneho fajlu
ATmega8 1x SOKL 28 1x R 68 2x R 1.5k 1x R 10k 1x D BZX83V003.3 2x (Zener diode 3.3V) X 16Mhz 1x C 27pF 2x C 4.7uF/10V 1x C 100nF 1x Trimer 10k 1x USB1X90B PCB 1x S2G20 1x (staci 2x5 toto je 2x10 to ale neva)
Způsob úhrady: bankovní převod
Částka: 474,00 czk Platbu proveďte na účet 34175028 / 2400. SWIFT kód (pro mezinárodní platby) EBNKCZPP. IBAN CZ5824000000000034175028. Při úhradě uveďte Váš variabilní symbol: 5550035255. Variabilní symbol slouží jako identifikace Vaší objednávky.
17.4.1967 - 68703
30.04.2007 - 7000 31.05.2007 - 6000 02.07.2007 - 6000 31.07.2007 - 10000 01.10.2007 - 6000 02.11.2007 - 3000 05.12.2007 - 3000 11.12.2007 - 1785 31.12.2007 - 8000 31.01.2008 - 3000 03.03.2008 - 3000
Fakt to funguje??????
[03:17:00 PM] Tomas Forche: az budes v praci pak prosim precti na fixusoj /mnt/mapy/readme.txt, udelej review a pripadne podle toho uprav mapupdate skript, konfiguraci mapengine a kdo vi ceho co zere data map + pak prejmenuj adresar /data na /barrels. Zbytek si udelam sam. :-) [03:50:00 PM] Tomas Forche: jo a uz je vyresen problem s nabihanim mapserveru... on rekurzivne proleza adresare, takze mit updates s mraky dlazdic v adresari data nebylo stastne reseni :-)))
Gianna Nannini - Meravigliosa creatura
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Super vec
Baba Haba
musim si to taky zkusit
''tak do toho''
solidni solidni 123 no pozrime sa na to ?i to v?bec funguje ???
asi to fakt funguje :-)))
no to jo ....
Huhuhu snim ci bdim ?
Demonstrace funk?nosti
No vypad? to zaj?mav? (hodn?) ...
Opravdu? nj ahojky skou?ka textu xxx
Tak schv?ln?!
Novy odstavec? Snad ano ...
Zahlavi tabulky |
fce1 |
f2 |
f3 |
f4 |
f55 |
g1 |
g2 |
g3 |
g4 |
Odkaz na Google: Odkaz na Google
- polozka 1
- vnorena 1.1
- * vnorena 1.2
- vnorena 1.3
- polozka 2
- polozka 3
boldIt`s great
//*Toto je velice uzitecna a verim ze i zabavna vec. Jsem zvedav, co budoucnost jeste prinese - do zacatku by se mohlo jednat o verejne kresleni, coz by mohlo byt opravdu vtipne :DD*//
test editace
asdfjkl? tralala, ja si tu napisu inteligentniii hlasku
Uzasne znacky
Vhodne i pro ochocene opice jako napriklad (opice opravena):))
Jen mi hrozne vadi ti odporni graficti smajlici
aaaa Nen? to ?patn? n?pad. Vladim?r
Zauj?mav?, ?eby som u n?s ?ud? prin?til robi? na webe? Aspo? nebud? ma? v?hovorku ?e som im to tam nedal... ddddddddddddddddfffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff
******* Hmm goood idea... Schvalne co to provede
to fakt nejny hl??py
Za predpokladu ze budou fungovat nejaky pristupovy prava a nebude to anarchie, by to vyuzitelny byt mohlo...
123 skuska mikrofonu ---
hmmm tak tenhle smajlik asi nefuni ... kazdopadne je to sqela vec! okamzite to zavedu v praxi! MOC DIKY ZA NAPAD! Hust?.
--- **************** celkom pekne, zacnem uvazovat na co by som to nasadil vo firme
Dik, pouzivame twiki v praci jako intranet. Jindra at
kurziva tucne tucna kurziva
tabulka |
1 |
2 |
3 |
a |
b |
c |
Jan Hammer - Escape from television
Text text - You poor boy. "I dont like you!" preview
ahoj Martin, tak aj toto ide
opravuji text...
Soudruzi Revoluci. Tvoji krev my nezrad?me, lenin ten?s bude v?st, jeho odlaz nikdy nezrad?me .....
nova tabulka |
1 |
a |
2 |
b |
3 |
a |
a |
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b |
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- =PSY2=
free running: 2047.997kHz 2048.018 - pred update 2048.017 - po update - TRIB_1 - Timing state=normal odpojeno - 2047.995 - LINE_1 zruseno LINE_1 - 2048.018 -> TRIB_1 - normal odpojeno 2048.019 - TRIB_1 - holdover
rozpad synchronizace -> LSS -> ALL1
- clc;clear;close all; fd=1000; fm=8000; Wn=fd/(fm/2); N=20;
WIN_ha=hamming(N+1); B_ha=fir1(N,Wn);
WIN_b=bartlett(N+1); B_b=fir1(N,Wn,WIN_b);
WIN_bl=blackman(N+1); B_bl=fir1(N,Wn,WIN_bl);
WIN_h=hann(N+1); B_h=fir1(N,Wn,WIN_h);
figure(1) Ng=1024;
[H_ha W_ha]=freqz(B_ha,1,Ng); subplot(2,2,1); f_ha=W_ha*fm/2/pi; plot(f_ha,20*log10(abs(H_ha))); title('hamming');
[H_b W_b]=freqz(B_b,1,Ng); subplot(2,2,2); f_b=W_ha*fm/2/pi; plot(f_b,20*log10(abs(H_b))); title('bartlett');
[H_bl W_bl]=freqz(B_bl,1,Ng); subplot(2,2,3); f_bl=W_ha*fm/2/pi; plot(f_bl,20*log10(abs(H_bl))); title('blackman');
[H_h W_h]=freqz(B_h,1,Ng); subplot(2,2,4); f_h=W_h*fm/2/pi; plot(f_h,20*log10(abs(H_h))); title('hann');
return; %uloha 2 figure(2) F=[0 0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8 0.9 1]; A=[1 1 1 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0];
Bha=fir2(N,F,A,WIN_ha); Bh=fir2(N,F,A,WIN_h);
[Hha Wha]=freqz(Bha,1,Ng); subplot(2,1,1); fha=Wha*fm/2/pi; plot(fha,20*log10(abs(Hha))); title('hamming');
[Hh Wh]=freqz(Bh,1,Ng); subplot(2,1,2); fh=Wh*fm/2/pi; plot(fh,20*log10(abs(Hh))); title('hann');
%uloha 3 impulsni odezva figure(3) impz(Bha,1);
%uloha 3 f char figure(4) freqz(Bha,1,Ng,fm/2);
%uloha 3 f char figure(5) zplane(Bha,1)
- a) poplach v: RDI v MS, HP, LP protoze komunikace analyzator-AM1 byla jednosmerna
SOH f6 f6 f6 28 28 28 01 aa aa 46*ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 68 93 93 00 ff ff 00 00 00 e3*08*41*00 ff ff 06 ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff ff 0b ff ff ff ff 00 ff ff ff
LO-POH V5: 65* J2: 00 N2: 00 K4: 00
b) zadne alarmy
c) pointer u tu-12 received se snizuje ptr au-4 = 0
0: 2e-4 1: 3e-4 5: 9e-4 10: 1.55e-3 20: 2.95e-3 50: 7.15e-3 100: 1.42e-2 200: 2.82e-2
pro taktovani z prijimaneho signalu = 0
d) count/secs HP REI: 9767/20 = 3.249e-6 LP REI: 1257/20 = 2.806e-5 SLIP: 20/20 = 1
ES: 0 SES: 0 US: 20 100% DM: 0 EFS: 0 BE: 0 AE: 0
Lucie Dvorakov- Veronika Klusov- Veronika Krskov- Alena Dvorakov- Marketa Vavrov-? Jana Pflegerov- Alena Bockschneiderov- Daniela Beckov- Zuz_x_ana Mi_x_sar_x_kov- Zdenka Kral_x_ikova Bara Musilov- Blanka Cizkov- Lucie Sim_x_unk_x_ova Li_x_buska Step_x_anko_x_va Eva Sa_x_sova? Dan_x_iela Cer_x_na Alej_x_andra Urdi_x_ain Pe_x_tra F_x_enclo_x_va
- clear;clc; fv=8000
t=0:1/fv:0.6-1/fv; y1=0.4*sin(2*pi*300*t); y2=0.6*sin(2*pi*2500*t); y=y1+y2; n=2; fv1=n*fv xinterp=zeros(1,n*length(y)); xinterp(([1:length(y)]-1)*n+1)=y;
figure(1); subplot(2,2,1); %title('Neinterpolovany') ffty1=abs(fft(y))/length(y); stem(0:fv/length(ffty1):fv-fv/length(ffty1),ffty1);
subplot(2,2,2); %title('Interpolovany') ffty2=abs(fft(xinterp))/length(xinterp); stem(0:fv1/length(ffty2):fv1-fv1/length(ffty2),ffty2);
N=60; B=fir1(N,fv/2/(fv1/2)); subplot(2,2,3); xinterp_filtered=filter(B,1,xinterp); ffty3=abs(fft(xinterp_filtered))/length(xinterp_filtered); stem(0:fv1/length(ffty3):fv1-fv1/length(ffty3),ffty3);
B=fir1(N,fv2/2/(fv/2)); y=filter(B,1,y);
subplot(2,2,4); indxs=1:n:length(y); y_decim=y(indxs); ffty4=abs(fft(y_decim))/length(y_decim); stem(0:fv2/length(ffty4):fv2-fv2/length(ffty4),ffty4);
- brigde - 4ms 1 hop
route - 4ms
1.2km GS DSP version :1 xDSL GS Version :R.1.5 xDSL side :COE. Startup Progress :(0x0)Startup not in progress. Operation state :Data. Operation rate :2320 Kbps Framer Sync. state :Framer in SYNC Last fail state :No failure. SNR margin value :3 DB. Loop attenuation :11 DB. Receice Gain :10 DB. Transmit Power :14 dBm. xDSL state :DSL_ACTIVE
2.4km GS DSP version :1 xDSL GS Version :R.1.5 xDSL side :COE. Startup Progress :(0x0)Startup not in progress. Operation state :Data. Operation rate : 656 Kbps Framer Sync. state :Framer in SYNC Last fail state :No failure. SNR margin value :1 DB. Loop attenuation :18 DB. Receice Gain :7 DB. Transmit Power :13 dBm. xDSL state :DSL_ACTIVE
- Bara, Ilona, Urna, Tomik, Vlasac, Svata
snova přednášek Digitální sítě, předmět fakultní nabídky FEL, šk. r. 2006/07 Osnova přednášek 1. 05. 10. Druhy signálů. Digitalizace signálu. Základní pojmy. Fyzický a virtuální kanál 2. 12. 10. Multiplexní principy. Hierarchie PDH 3. 19. 10. Hierarchie SDH, její podstata, funkce a formáty 4. 26. 10. Referenční model OSI RM. Vrstvy, protokoly, formáty 5. 02. 11. Adresové multiplexy. Vývoj X 25, FR, IP, ATM, DQDB 6. 09. 11. Digitální přenosové trakty. Opakovače. Linkové kódy. Optické linkové trakty 7. 16. 11. Spojovací zařízení a jejich členění. Účastnické bloky. Rozhraní ústředny 8. 23. 11. Digitální síť integrovaných služeb (ISDN). Druhy spojení a služby ISDN 9. 30. 11. Širokopásmová síť integrovaných služeb (ATM). Referenční model. Třídy služeb 10. 07. 12. Principy a realizace spojovacích polí v úzkopásmových a v širokopásmových sítích 11. 14. 12. Síťové prvky. Parametry přenosu a spojení. Spojovací prvky 12. 21. 12. Signalizace - členění. Účastnická signalizace. Síťová signalizace 13. 04. 01. Státní regulace telekomunikací. Síťové plány 14. 11. 01. Mezinárodní standardy a doporučení
- :8888 http tunnel na lokalni :22 (ssh) :10022 redirect na lokalni :22 (ssh)
(Praha) http_proxy=http://proxy:3128 ./ xy 2212 1388