Differences between revisions 4 and 42 (spanning 38 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2006-01-27 18:39:26
Size: 331
Revision 42 as of 2008-05-28 16:06:55
Size: 1418
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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This is my effort to create a unionfs implementation which is probably slower but way more flexible than the current in-kernel unionfs solution. More info will come soon... This is my effort to create a unionfs filesystem implementation which is probably slower but way more flexible than the current in-kernel unionfs solution.
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This is still INCOMPLETE!!! I'm open to patches, suggestions, whatever (see [[Contact]] on how to reach me)...
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== Available parameters == If you've sent me something and think it takes me too long to answer, go check UndeliverableMail page. I might have problems sending mail to you...
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 * {{{--roots=/root1,/root2}}}
 * {{{--stats}}}
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attachment:unionfs.c == Why choose this stuff ==

 * The filesystem has to be mounted after the roots are mounted when using the standard module. With unionfs-fuse, you can mount the roots later and their contents will appear seamlesly
 * You get caching which speeds things up a lot for free
 * You get nice stats (optional)
 * Advanced features like copy-on-write and more

== Why NOT choose it ==

 * Compared to kernel-space solution we need lots of useless context switches which makes kernel-only solution clear speed-winner (well, actually I've made some tests and the hard-drives seem to be the bottleneck so the speed is fine, too)


== Donation ==

If you use the software and like it, please consider a donation (provided by Pay''''''Pal)...


== Download ==

 * Latest version: 0.19 (released 2008-05-28)
 * Archive location: http://podgorny.cz/unionfs-fuse/releases/
 * Repository location: http://hg.podgorny.cz/unionfs-fuse (Mecurial)


This is my effort to create a unionfs filesystem implementation which is probably slower but way more flexible than the current in-kernel unionfs solution.

I'm open to patches, suggestions, whatever (see Contact on how to reach me)...

If you've sent me something and think it takes me too long to answer, go check UndeliverableMail page. I might have problems sending mail to you...

Why choose this stuff

  • The filesystem has to be mounted after the roots are mounted when using the standard module. With unionfs-fuse, you can mount the roots later and their contents will appear seamlesly
  • You get caching which speeds things up a lot for free
  • You get nice stats (optional)
  • Advanced features like copy-on-write and more

Why NOT choose it

  • Compared to kernel-space solution we need lots of useless context switches which makes kernel-only solution clear speed-winner (well, actually I've made some tests and the hard-drives seem to be the bottleneck so the speed is fine, too)


If you use the software and like it, please consider a donation (provided by PayPal)...
